Home Insurance is a type of property coverage of your private home. This insurance coverage can include losses occurring to one's home, its contents, loss of its use, or loss of personal
possessions. It also includes liability insurance for accidents that happen at the home, or due to the homeowner's actions, within policy territory.
Condo and Renter's Insurance are different types of policies. Please refer to their definitions below. Also, see High Value Home Insurance below when coverage is needed for amounts $300,000 or higher.
High Value Home
Dwellings with a coverage of $300,000 or higher are designated as high-value homes. This ensures that your valuables are given extra consideration and items such as silver, jewelry, watches and furs receive special limits, which are higher than those found in a regular home policy. The coverage provided is broader than that of a standard home. Home and personal property are both insured for all losses, except those which are specifically excluded. With this policy, you will receive up to $1,000 coverage for food spoilage or losses caused by electrical interruptions, including blackouts. As one example of 'special' insurance coverage, Travelers will pay up to $500 for lock replacements in the event that your house keys are lost or stolen.